Peer Review Process

Corresponding authors should send the manuscripts via the Online Manuscript Submission System.  All submissions will be evaluated by the associated editor in order to check scope and novelty. If the manuscript suits the journal criteria, the associated editor would select the single-blind peer-reviewers. The reviewers of the manuscript must not share information about the review with anyone without permission of the editors and authors. If three reviewers pass their judgments on the manuscript, it will be presented to the associated editor of Int J Fertil Steril. In the case of having a favorable judgment on the manuscript, reviewers’ comments will be presented to the corresponding author (the identification of the reviewers will not be revealed). After receiving the revision, the associated editor would choose the final reviewer among the previous ones. The final decision will be taken by editor-in-chief based on the final reviewer’s comments. The review process takes between 2 to 4 months in Int J Fertil Steril. The executive member of journal will contact the corresponding author directly within 3-4 weeks by email. If authors do not receive any reply from journal office after the specified time, they can contact the journal office. Finally, the executive manager will respond promptly to authors’ request.

After receiving the acceptance letter, the abstract of the paper would be published electronically. The paper will be in a queue to be published in one Int J Fertil Steril. At last, the corresponding author should verify a proof copy of the paper in order to be published.