Perinatal Outcomes of Newborn Infants Conceived by Assisted Reproductive Techniques in Royan Institute

Document Type : Original Article


1 Child Health Research Department, ACECR, Tehran, Iran

2 Genetics Department, Royan Institute for Reproductive Biomedicine, ACECR, Tehran, Iran

3 Child Health and Development Research Center, ACECR, Tehran, Iran


The outcomes of such pregnancies have been rarely evaluated in our country. A descriptive study was planned to assess the health and condition of neonates conceived with assisted techniques in a one year period.

Materials and methods
At Royan Institute, Tehran, 443 women who became pregnant by one of the assisted techniques in vitro fertilization (IVF), intrauterine insemination (IUI) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) enrolled in a descriptive study during 16 month period beginning on September, 2007. The sampling method used was non-incidental, consecutive. Questionnaires regarding the contents of the baby birth card were completed after interviews with the mothers. The time from fertilization of the ovum until delivery was considered as the gestational (conception) age. Pregnant mothers were under periodic evaluation until delivery. Women with stillborn babies were followed via phone contact.

From a total of 443 conceptions, there were 13 (2.9%) pregnancies demised in utero (stillbirths) and 10 (2.6%) who died during the neonatal period. Additionally, 133 (43%) infants were born after multifetal pregnancies and 96 (31%) infants were prematurely born. There were 106 (34.3%) infants with low birth weight (LBW; less than 2500 g), of which 83 (78.3%) LBW infants were multiplets. After completion of the study, 71 women were still passing their pregnancy period and no assessed.

The most important factor for untoward perinatal events was multifetal pregnancy. Such pregnancies were more frequently complicated and higher risk. Low birth weight and prematurity were more frequent in singletons conceived by assisted techniques in respect to control singletons.
